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Línea del Tiempo - Descubrimiento de Partículas

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Hadrones Exóticos

Los hadrones exóticos son partículas subatómicas hechas de quarks y algunas de gluones, pero que no entran dentro del esquema normal de hadrones. Los hadrones exóticos no tienen el mismo contenido de quarks que los hadrones ordinarios: los bariones exóticos tienen más que los tres quarks de los bariones comunes, y los mesones exóticos no tienen un quark y un antiquark como los mesones ordinarios.

Bariones Exóticos y su estructura interna

Está compuesto de cuatro quarks y un anti-quark.

Está compuesto de dos quarks Up, dos quarks Down, y dos quarks Strange.

Mesones Exóticos y su estructura interna

Está compuesto únicamente de gluones, no contiene quarks. Los GlueBalls son difíciles de detectar en aceleradores de partículas ya que suelen combinarse con mesones ordinarios.

Está compuesto de cuatro quarks.

-Mesón Híbrido
Está compuesto de uno o más pares de quark-antiquark, y uno o más gluones.

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Los hadrones son partículas subatómicas compuestas o agrupadas que interactúan mediante la fuerza nuclear fuerte (gluones). 

 Existen 2 tipos de hadrones:
  • Bariones: Fermiones (partículas de materia) compuestos. 
  • Mesones: Bosones (partículas de fuerza) compuestos.  

Bariones y su estructura interna

El protón está compuesto de 2 quarks Up y un quark Down.

El neutrón está compuesto de 2 quarks Down y un quark Up.

Lambda (Λ0) está compuesto de uds (Up, Down, y Strange). Existen varios tipos de Lambdas (Λ+
, Λ0

Sigma (Σ+) está compuesto de uus (2 quarks Up, y un quark Strange). Existen varios tipos de Sigmas (Σ0, Σ, Σ++

Xi (Ξ0) está compuesto de uss (2 quarks Strange, y un quark Up). Existen varios tipos de Xi (Ξ, Ξ+
, Ξ0

 Omega (Ω0
) está compuesto de ssc (2 quarks Strange, y un quark Charm). Existen varios tipos de Omegas (Ω
, Ω+
, Ω0

Delta (Δ++) está compuesto de uuu (3 quarks Up). Existen varios tipos de Delta (Δ+, Δ0, Δ).

HIPERÓN - Se refiere a bariones que contienen uno o más Strange quarks. Están compuestos de tres quarks livianos y al menos un Strange quark, también se llama Strange Baryons (Bariones Extraños).

Existen 4 tipos de hiperones: Sigma (Σ+, Σ0 y Σ), Lambda (Λ0), Xi (Ξ0 y Ξ), y Omega (Ω).

Mesones y su estructura interna

Los Mesones son partículas subatómicas inestables compuestas de un quark y un antiquark.

El Pion (π+) está compuesto de ud (1 quark Up, y un Anti-Down). Existen varios tipos de Pion (π0 y π).

-Eta Meson
Eta Meson (η) está compuesto de 3 quarks (Up, Down, y Strange), y sus respectivas anti-partículas (Anti-Up, Anti-Down, y Anti-Strange).

El Kaon (K+) está compuesto de us (1 quark Up, y un Anti-Strange). Existen varios tipos de Kaon (K0, K0
, K0

-D meson
El D meson (D+) está compuesto de cd (1 quark Charm, y un Anti-Down). Existen varios tipos de D meson (D0, D+

-B meson
El B meson (B+) está compuesto de ub (1 quark Up, y un Anti-Bottom). Existen varios tipos de B meson (B0, B0
, B+

Mesones Vectoriales

El Rho (ρ+) está compuesto de ud (1 quark Up, y un Anti-Down). 

-Mesón Omega
El Mesón Omega (ω) está compuesto de ud (quarks Up y Down) y sus respectivas antipartículas (Anti-Up, y Anti-Down).

El Mesón Phi (φ) está compuesto de ss (1 quark Strange y un Anti-Strange).

El J/Psi (J/ψ) está compuesto de cc (1 quark Charm, y un Anti-Charm).

El Upsilon (ϒ) está compuesto de bb (1 quark Bottom, y un Anti-Bottom). 

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Spaceship Earth

How is Earth moving in our Solar system?

Earth rotates on its axis once each day and orbits the Sun once each year. Earth orbits at an average distance from the Sun of 1 AU and with an axis tilt of 23 to a line perpendicular to the ecliptic plane

As Earth rotates, your speed around Earth’s axis depends on your location: The closer you are to the equator, the faster you travel with rotation.

Notice that Earth rotates from west to east, which is why the Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west.

Earth takes a year to complete an orbit of the Sun, but its orbital speed is still surprisingly fast. Notice that Earth both rotates and orbits counterclockwise as viewed from above the North Pole.

 How is our solar system moving in the Milky Way Galaxy?

We move randomly relative to other stars in our local solar neighborhood. The speeds are substantial by earthly standards, but stars are so far away that their motion is undetectable to the naked eye. Our Sun and other stars in our neighborhood orbit the center of the galaxy every 230 million years, because the entire galaxy is rotating. 

Our Local Solar Neighborhood

The small box shows that stars within the local solar neighborhood (like the stars of any other small region of the galaxy) move essentially at random relative to one another. They also generally move quite fast. 

Galactic Rotation

Our solar system, located about 27,000 light-years from the galactic center, completes one orbit of the galaxy in about 230 million years. Even if you could watch from outside our galaxy, this motion would be unnoticeable to your naked eye. However, if you calculate the speed of our solar system as we orbit the center of the galaxy, you will find that it is close to 800,000 kilometers per hour (500,000 miles per hour). 

Stars at different distances from the galactic center orbit at different speeds, and we can learn how mass is distributed in the galaxy by measuring these speeds. Such studies indicate that the stars in the disk of the galaxy represent only the “tip of the iceberg” compared to the mass of the entire galaxy. 

Most of the mass of the galaxy seems to be located outside the visible disk, in what we call the halo. We don’t know the nature of this mass, but we call it dark matter because we have not detected any light coming from it. 

Studies of other galaxies suggest that they also are made mostly of dark matter, which means this mysterious matter must significantly outweigh the ordinary matter that makes up planets and stars. An even more mysterious dark energy seems to make up much of the total energy content of the universe. 

This painting shows an edge-on view of the Milky Way Galaxy. Study of galactic rotation shows that although most visible stars lie in the disk and central bulge, most of the mass lies in the halo that surrounds and encompasses the disk. Because this mass emits no light that we have detected, we call it dark matter.

How do galaxies move within the universe?

Galaxies move essentially at random within the Local Group, but all galaxies beyond the Local Group are moving away from us. More distant galaxies are moving faster, which tells us that we live in an expanding universe. 

Two small galaxies (known as the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds) apparently orbit our Milky Way Galaxy. 

For example, the Milky Way is moving toward the Andromeda Galaxy at about 300,000 kilometers per hour (180,000 miles per hour). Despite this high speed, we needn’t worry about a collision anytime soon. Even if the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies are approaching each other head-on, it will be billions of years before any collision begins. 

When we look outside the Local Group, however, we find two astonishing facts recognized in the 1920s by Edwin Hubble, for whom the Hubble Space Telescope was named: 

1)      Virtually every galaxy outside the Local Group is moving away from us.
2)      The more distant the galaxy, the faster it appears to be racing away. 

  Natural explanation: The entire universe is expanding. 

Are we ever sitting still?

We are never truly sitting still. We spin around Earth’s axis and orbit the Sun. Our solar system moves among the stars of the local solar neighborhood while orbiting the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Our galaxy moves among the other galaxies of the Local Group, while all other galaxies move away from us in our expanding universe. 

 BOOK: The Essential Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy (Sixth Edition) 

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The Scale of the Universe

How big is the Earth compared to our Solar system?

On a scale of 1 to 10 billion, the Sun is about the size of a grapefruit. Planets are much smaller, with Earth the size of a ball point and Jupiter the size of a marble on this scale. The distances between planets are huge compared to their sizes, with Earth orbiting 15 meters from the Sun on this scale. 

Seeing our solar system to scale also helps put space exploration into perspective. The Moon, the only other world on which humans have ever stepped, lies only about 4 centimeters (1 inches) from Earth in the Voyage model. 

The trip to Mars is some 200 times as far as the trip to the Moon, even when Mars is on the same side of its orbit as Earth. 

How far away are the stars?

On the 1-to-10-billion scale, it is possible to walk from the Sun to Pluto in just a few minutes. On the same scale, the nearest stars besides the Sun are thousands of kilometers away.

The nearest star system to our own, a three-star system called Alpha Centauri, is about 4.4 light-years away.

How big is the Milky Way?

Using a scale on which the Milky Way galaxy is the size of a football field, the distance to the nearest star would be only about 4 millimeters. There are so many stars in our galaxy that it would take thousands of years just to count them. 

The observable universe contains roughly 100 billion galaxies, and the total number of stars is comparable to the number of grains of dry sand on all the beaches on Earth. 

How do our lifetimes compare to the age of the universe?

On a cosmic calendar that compresses the history of the universe into 1 year, human civilization is just a few seconds old, and a human lifetime lasts only a fraction of a second. 

The cosmic calendar compresses the 14 billion-year history of the universe into 1 year, so that each month represents a little more than 1 billion years. This cosmic calendar is adapted from a version created by Carl Sagan.

BOOK: The Essential Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy (Sixth Edition) 

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How Far is a Light-Year?

One light-year (ly) is defined as the distance that light can travel in 1 year. This distance is fixed because light always travels at the same speed—the speed of light, which is 300,000 km/s (186,000 mi/s).
We can calculate the distance represented by a lightyear by recalling that 

Distance = speed x time

For example, if you travel at a speed of 50 km/hr for 2 hours, you will travel 100 km. To find the distance represented by 1 light-year, we simply multiply the speed of light by 1 year:

1 light-year = (speed of light) x (1 yr)

That is, 1 light-year is equivalent to 9.46 trillion km, which is easier to remember as almost 10 trillion km.

BOOK: The Essential Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy (Sixth Edition) 

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Our Modern view of the universe

Star Manufacture the Elements of Earth and Life 

By studying stars of different ages, we have learned that the early universe contained only the simplest chemical elements: hydrogen and helium (and a trace of lithium). We and Earth are made primarily of other elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and iron. Where did these other elements come from? Evidence shows that these elements were manufactured by stars—some through the nuclear fusion that makes stars shine, and others through nuclear reactions accompanying the explosions that end stellar lives.
By the time our solar system formed, about 4 billion years ago, earlier generations of stars had converted about 2% of our galaxy’s original hydrogen and helium into heavier elements. Therefore, the cloud that gave birth to our solar system was made of about 98% hydrogen and helium and 2% other elements. That 2% may seem a small amount, but it was more than enough to make the small rocky planets of our solar system, including Earth. On Earth, some of these elements became the raw ingredients of simple life forms, which ultimately blossomed into the great diversity of life on Earth today. 

How can we know that the universe was like in the past?

Light takes time to travel through space, so the farther away we look in distance, the further back we look in time. When we look billions of light-years away, we see pieces of the universe as they were billions of years ago. 

Because light takes time to travel through space, we are led to a remarkable fact: The farther away we look in distance, the further back we look in time. For example, the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, is about 8 light-years away, which means its light takes about 8 years to reach us. When we look at Sirius, we are seeing it not as it is today but as it was about 8 years ago.

The Andromeda Galaxy (also known as M31) lies about 2.5 million light-years from Earth. Figure 1.3 is therefore a picture of how this galaxy looked about 2.5 million years ago, when early humans were first walking on Earth. 

Can we see the entire universe?

No. The age of the universe limits the extent of our observable universe. Because the universe is about 14 billion years old, our observable universe extends to a distance of about 14 billion light-years. If we tried to look beyond that distance, we’d be trying to look to a time before the universe existed. 

BOOK: The Essential Cosmic Perspective with MasteringAstronomy (Sixth Edition) 

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